What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

It has been a long, long while since the last post. Due to some technical issues (which I won’t go into), our website has not been available. I posted a short blog entry in January, but no one could view it because of the issue. But now, we’re back in business!

I’m going to try to catch you up on what we’ve been up to so far this year.

February through April we finally updated our guest bathroom. For most of you, this is a pretty standard routine. You tear out some sheetrock, rearange some 2x4’s and maybe move a wall or two. That is not the case for us. As I’ve mentioned in the past, our structure dates back to 1747. So there are no 2x4’s or sheetrock to work with.

Instead, we had 250+ year old adobe brick to work with and saltillo tile that was probably laid over 100 years ago. The challenge was to work around the brick to preserve the structure yet update the area.

This is where the vanity and bathroom medicine cabinet went. We replaced it with a hand carved piece.

Compare the original yellow, spackled painted wall with a new, smooth diamond finish plaster.

March brought its usual chilly weather. On Easter Sunday, we celebrated a non-denominational sunrise Easter service at the Gorge Bridge. It was a spectacular sight to behold!

April brought us water from the heavy snowfall we had during the winter. Our main ditch had an abundance of water for the season’s first use.

We caught a glimps of Comet 12/Pons-Brooks or “Devil Comet” in April as well.

May provided us with one of the most colorful palettes in the yard we’ve seen since moving here.

June brought an abundance of wildflowers. Chase and I try to walk everyday. Here’s a collage of all the the different flowers we encountered that month.

June also brought us an abundance of cherries which we put to good use!

And…although unrelated to Taos or New Mexico, we traveled to Las Vegas to see Dead and Company in the Sphere. It was like no other concert event either of us has attended and impossible to describe.

Hence today’s blog title, “It’s Been a Long Strange Trip” …

That’s about it! Stay tuned to another update soon! ¡Adiós hasta entonces!

David GroverComment