Summer 2021

To say that COVID-19 put a damper on the entries into the family blog would be an understatement. Last year we were just too scared to travel, perform any upgrades to the house, see family and friends or even make short trips to the grocery store. In short, it was a terrifying year and we did nothing.

The vaccine (we got Moderna) changed all that and only recently have I had the desire to start up the blog again.

But Rhonda and I are on the mends and here are a few things that I’ll share that we’ve done since the dark veil was lifted this summer.


Planted a garden.

Extended our flagstone patio.

Remodeled the backyard Fishpond.

And replaced a gravel pit with a flagstone patio.

I’m happy to say we have accomplished a lot in just a few months. It feels good. Even with the COVID variant, the world feels approachable after having been vaccinated. It’s nice to start blogging once again!

More to come next week with a rundown of our trip to Bandelier earlier last month.

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