I've Looked at Clouds from Both Sides Now


In Taos, the sky paints an amazing and unique masterpiece only to be wiped clean at dusk with the whole process starting again the next day. We have seen some absolutely beautiful panoramic views of sun, clouds and terrain during our 2nd month in New Mexico.

Last week, while making my morning walk, I noticed some Lenticular clouds which form when there is a great deal of turbulence in the atmosphere. They are often mistaken for UFOs because of the unusual “lens shape”. It was an awesome view that lasted for more than a half hour.


Yesterday was one of the more dramatic days. We had rain, snow and ice pellets. All across the countryside, microbursts of snow dotted the expansive desert. One of the more interesting ones I saw while picking up the mail in town. What looks like fog coming off the mountains is actually a miniature snow storm.

More micro bursts…

Waking up this morning just before sunrise I snapped this picture of the mountain fog starting to burn off. Notice a wisp of the formation lit by early sunrise (in the middle of the picture).


According to the locals, we could see snow all the way into June. For someone who grew up with a single snow every 4+ years, this is wondrous. Taos is a magical place.

Here are more random photos over the last 2 weeks. Enjoy!

David GroverComment